Visita al veterinario con sorpresa

por admin

Today we went to the vet because it was time for a check-up, the pill for worms and the pill for external parasites, and what I thought was flea dermatitis (because he was scratching but even looking I didn’t see a single one), turned out not to be be flea dermatitis…

I had never heard it before but Uma has pyoderma. I was shocked when the vet told me, because it started a little less than 3 days ago when Uma started scratching more than normal. So I attributed it to the fact that he might have fleas (and he had the device I told you about), however, when I brushed him I didn’t see any fleas or flea poop, but hey, how could I think that? It would be something else!

The fact is that pyoderma is a very common condition in puppies, especially if they are hairy like mine. In fact, his favorite position this summer has been sleeping on his back, an infallible temperature thermoregulation system, and according to the veterinarian, humidity and heat cause skin irritations that can become infected by bacteria, some very bad ones, called staphylococcus, by the way, not contagious.

Here is a test of Uma’s sleeping positions during the summer:

The fact is that the poor thing was scratching and scratching all day and they put her on antibiotics and cortisone to calm the pain and put an end to the itching and discomfort of the wounds. So, I have to cut her hair even if she doesn’t want to, because we have to prevent her from accumulating moisture and these bacteria from reproducing. Poor dear!

This is how he has his tummy, it doesn’t seem like much, but what little it is, it’s a bully:

pyoderma in dogs

For the rest, Uma is as good as an oak. She already weighs 6 and a half kilos and I don’t think she is going to gain more weight, because she is almost 9 months old and it is at this age when she stops growing. Let’s keep the line, because she can gain more weight if she baits her, but that won’t be the case.

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8 comentarios

Loles 24/08/2015 - 11:44

Con el calor y la humedad que hemos tenido este verano, las bacterias deben estar en su salsa! Nuestros peluditos sufren el ataque…Esa barriguita !!!

Covadonga 26/08/2015 - 13:02

Ohhhh Pobre Uma!
Bueno, lo importante es que está muy bien cuidada y atendida y le han puesto ya un remedio rápido.
Que se mejore pronto!!

admin 31/08/2015 - 17:26

Gracias Cova! Ya está más que recuperada! Es el dichoso calor!!!

Cristina 01/09/2015 - 16:13

Entonces el artilugio ese de friskies ultrasonic funciona?? a Uma no le salieron más pulgas??

admin 02/09/2015 - 18:20

Sí funciona, las deja atontadas, pero se lo quito cuando llueve, vamos a la playa o a la piscina, para evitar que se moje.

maria 07/09/2015 - 00:51

Holaa, mira tengo un cachorro de tres meses casi y al principio lloraba bastante por las noches pero a los 15 días dejo de hacerlo y ahora no sé porque ha vuelto. ¿me podrías dar algún consejo o ayuda? Gracias

admin 07/09/2015 - 16:04

¿Ha habido algún cambio en casa que le haga sentir menos seguro? ¿Ha realizado menos actividad física durante el día? A veces cambios que nos parecen que no tienen importancia afectan a los perros.

maria 09/09/2015 - 00:53

Ninguno la verdad, anda un poco malita de otitis. Puede ser eso? Gracias por responder


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