#DejateSalvar: campaña «Salva un humano»

por admin
Salva un humano

This super initiative carried out by 5 bloggers ( Lucca La Loca , Cuatro Huellas , Perros con Historia , Romeo & Gara and El Blog de Uma ) with great enthusiasm has the objective of raising awareness and opening minds regarding animal abandonment and the acquisition of animals. And if there is something that unites us, it is the love for our pets (dogs, cats and birds) regardless of whether they are more or less pretty than others. We look further, and in one way or another, our pets have saved us.

Save a human

What does it mean that they have saved us? Those of us who have had animals all our lives and in my case I am going to talk mainly about dogs, from my personal experience, we are discovering that at first one believes that when adopting a dog (all the dogs I have had in my life have been adopted , never bought, and all have been puppies from unwanted litters) is giving that animal a chance, and that comforts, it makes you feel good, but as time goes by, you realize that you have not saved that animal , but that the animal day by day brings you much more than you imagined, saving you from moments of anguish, moments of sadness, loneliness…


I found Uma by chance in a Facebook group where they gave away different types of pets. It was the second litter of a dog that was only one year old, that is, if in her short life she had had two heats, in both heats she had gotten pregnant (and in her third heat, she got pregnant again!) . It was a litter in which all were females, just what I was looking for, since my last dog was male and I didn’t want a dog that reminded me of him, I wanted a totally different dog, since his death still hurt me ( had died 7 months earlier). I had no idea what Uma was going to be like as an adult, but I didn’t care, because she met the requirements: she was female, small in size and not black (my dog ​​was black), and when we went to see the litter the first time, all the puppies were suckling and Uma was the only one who stopped suckling, came up to us and nibbled on our fingers. It was clear that she had chosen us.

So one Three Kings Day arrived at my house as one of the best gifts of my life. Fortunately, her three sisters were also able to be adopted, however, Uma and another of her sisters developed an eye problem: tear gland prolapse, from which Uma has completely recovered thanks to three surgical interventions (she is a champion !), but her sister did not suffer the same fate… The adopters not only did not operate on her for her problem, which could have led her to lose the tear function of her eyes, but they abandoned her in a shelter, claiming that In the apartment where they lived they did not allow him to have animals. Very suspicious, right? They had no problems with the dog until she developed the eye problem, and since they didn’t want to spend money on the dog, it was better to get rid of her.

This is just an example of two realities: that of two sisters with different destinies, destinies that depend solely and exclusively on us, on human beings. That is why I believe that this humble campaign can help people who are considering adopting a dog reflect. We want to spread the message #DejateSalvar through our experiences and through a clear message: the responsibility of adopting an animal as a lifelong commitment. Taking into account care, feeding, needs, veterinary expenses, etc. which means that you don’t have to spend a single euro on buying animals when there are thousands in shelters waiting for an opportunity to be part of a family and that they will fill your life with light, spark, joy, unconditional love, companionship,… like Uma has done since the first day she entered our house.


How can you help? In different ways:

  • Helping to spread the campaign with the hashtag #DejateSalvar by uploading a photo on your social networks in two ways: painted on the palm of your hand and/or through a little sign that your pet wears (don’t forget to tag us so we can see it! No We don’t want to miss a single post from you).
  • Participating in the different raffles that we are going to carry out (and what a raffle!). Pay attention to our Instagram posts! Follow us on @salvaunhumano
  • Acquiring different products related to the animal world that you will love on our website: www.salvaunhumano.es whose donations will go to different shelters and sanctuaries.

Follow our recently launched website closely because there will be many surprises, all for the good of the most wonderful beings in the world. Are you up for the challenge?

By whom have you allowed yourself to be saved?

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4 comentarios

Cristina 01/11/2016 - 11:31

Qué iniciativa más bonita, ojalá entre todos consigamos concienciar a la gente para que adopten más, que se den cuenta de que los mestizos también son geniales, y además únicos!!! Y que un animal, ya sea adoptado o comprado, es un compañero de vida, que no te puedes desacer de él a la primera de cambio, porque él daría su vida por tí y no se merecen menos por nuestra parte.
En cuanto Kimbo decida salir de su letargo, que hoy está más perezoso que nunca…, aportaremos nuestro pequeño granito de arena subiendo una foto y contando la historia de cómo me salvó.
Muchas gracias por esta labor que hacéis, sois grandes. Muchos besos para tod@s los que estáis detrás de Salva a un humano

admin 01/11/2016 - 18:58

Un beso enorme Cristina!!! Besotes a Kimbo!!!

Eva 04/11/2016 - 13:17

Estupenda iniciativa y ya os seguimos por todas las redes. Estamos preparando nuestro cartelito, pero el presumido de Kenzo quiere estar limpio antes de la foto, así que hoy, como toca baño, intentaremos subir nuestra aportación. Tiene gracia porque desde hace un tiempo suelo hablar de esto con mi hermana, en plan broma, pero realmente es muy serio: le comento, «¿tú recuerdas cómo podíamos ser felices antes de tener a Kenzo?». Nos reímos mucho, pero es verdad que casi no lo recuerdo: desde hace doce años tenemos anécdotas a diario para contar, nos reímos con él, le cuidamos, él nos cuida, nos mima y nos hace sentir a todos y cada uno de los 8 miembros de la familia que somos lo mejor que le ha pasado en la vida, cuando la verdad es que ha sido él (bueno, y los primitos gatitos!!!) lo auténticamente valioso en las nuestras…

admin 10/11/2016 - 13:19

Sí, Eva! Totalmente de acuerdo! Toda la vida he tenido perros y cuando se muere el último siempre digo: no voy a poder tener más perros porque jamás podrá nadie reemplazarlo, pero luego te das cuenta de que, en efecto, cada perro es único e irreemplazable, sin embargo, no puedes vivir ya sin perro. ¡Le falta chispa a la vida!


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