I love these tops. At the time I already wrote a post about » The 10 things you might not know about Uma «, but also other posts such as «10 original gifts for dogs (and their humans)», «10 essentials for your dog for the summer», » 10 reasons why it is better to adopt a dog than buy one»… So today I decided to write:
The 10 happiest moments with Uma
As you know, we are big fans of Kiwoko and now that they are celebrating 10 years of sharing love for our furry dogs, what better way to celebrate than to share with all of you my moments of love with Uma!
The truth is that Uma is pure happiness and it is difficult to choose just 10 moments, but if I have to choose, I choose these:
- The first moment was when we met her. I knew Uma would be the puppy she wanted because she chose us. Uma was a puppy from an unwanted litter and when we went to meet her to choose which dog to keep (there were four of us), she was the only one who stopped suckling to come bite our hands. That day we left with butterflies in our stomachs!
- The second moment was when we adopted her. Uma turned 45 days old on Three Kings Day, so it was like the best Three Kings gift we had. It was freezing cold, so when we went to pick her up she was sleeping peacefully, I wrapped her in a blanket and we took her home. She was sleeping the entire trip and we were smiling from ear to ear.
- His first bark . We will never forget him! Two weeks after she was with us, we played with her by stepping on her paws with our hands and she enjoyed her like she did alone. Until there came a time when the rush of the game gave her her first bark. It was super exciting!
- Your good awakening (after 10 minutes). It’s not that it’s bad to wake up for the first 10 minutes, but it’s very lazy. While we get up, she continues sleeping and if you weren’t going to wake her up, she would still be there with her sweet dreams. The fact is that every day she throws us a party when she has already woken up… The starting shot is the phrase «Uma wake up, we have to go pee», then she gets up jumping so that you don’t pick her up and take her out. to the street… More than 5 minutes of games on the bed where if you catch me, now I will jump on you, now I will bite your hand… That is pure happiness and if you ever wake up in a bad mood, Uma He changes it right away.
- His «sock stealing» moment. Yes, because there is always a time in the day when you get distracted to steal a sock. Whether it’s from the dirty clothes basket, because she forgot it in her shoe, or because she manages to find them. The fact is that it is her favorite game. And she makes sure you find out. Either she doesn’t appear for a long time so you can catch her red-handed or she appears before you with the sock in her mouth. Then, her race after her begins, the funny fights,… She has a great time with her adrenaline through the roof and we enjoy seeing her so happy.
- His «I want cuddles» outbursts. You can be working, sitting watching television or lying down reading the book, she sits in front of you and hits your hand with her paw so that you can pet it. You don’t look at her like that now, but then she looks at you with those eyes so expressive that you have to stop what you’re doing to caress her for a (good) while.
- The NAP time. It’s one of my favorite moments. I don’t take naps but she does. My nap moment is when I start watching an episode of Netflix after eating and I lie on the couch for a while, then Uma comes up and curls up like a donut on my legs. In summer it is not very comfortable but in winter it is very appreciated… Whatever the case, I love that moment.
- The visit to the beach. We usually go to the beach very often, especially in winter. Yes, we are upside down in the world. Because in winter the beaches are empty and we can access them without problems. It is one of my favorite moments because it is when Uma reaches the height of happiness. It’s touching the sand and starting to run at a thousand per hour without direction… and us behind. And she loves it and so do we to see her so happy.
- Moment I want to play . There is nothing that amuses me more than when he wants to play and you can’t. Because he starts bringing you a toy… Then another… Then another one, lest you don’t like the others. And, of course, you end up surrounded by toys and playing with her. Who can resist?
- His look. Uma has a very particular look. I have always had dogs and I had never had one like Uma, who had such a human look. Sometimes she stands in front of her and looks me dead in the eye and I can’t help but oxytocin. I eat her!
And as they say » happiness is the sum of small moments » and, without a doubt, Uma brings us lots of small moments of happiness every day.
And you, what moment of happiness do you have with your furry friend?
6 comentarios
buenos días familia:
como me han gustado esos momentos de felicidad con Uma y es que, al final te das cuenta, que la felicidad mas placentera y duradera se basa en esos pequeños momentos que recordamos con una sonrisa… Me he imaginado cada uno de los puntos y no podía evitar sonreír e emocionarme…
Si tengo que hablar de la felicidad con Logan… hay tanto momentos…
El primero seria el día que fui a buscarlo para adoptarlo. Por aquel entonces tenía a mi querido huron Gus y para poder llevarme a Logan tenían que aceptarse los dos. Logan tenía 5 meses y fue amor a primera vista, vino corriendo hacia mi, le doy un lametón al hurón y se fue a saludar al resto jeje. Me fui con él en ese mismo momento y Logan no miró ni una sola vez hacia atrás. Los dos nos habíamos encontrado.
Momento juegos: Logan y Gus se hicieron inseparables hasta tal punto que no podían estar separados. Los juegos entre ellos eran divertidísimos. Gus, habilidoso en esconderse, siempre le tomaba el pelo a Logan. Jugaban a saltar encima de la cama, a morderse con mucho cuidado, a correr por el pasillo, … como anécdota… un dia llego a casa después de trabajar y encuentro a Gus durmiendo en el sofá, cosa rara porque tenia su cama en el armario de mi habitación, al cual tuve que poner una cuerda a la puerta corredera porque Logan se comia la comida de Gus. Así que nada, Logan no estaba en el piso!!! Hasta que escuché un ruido y bingo: Logan se había quedado encerrado en el armario jajaja. Aun recuerdo su cara cuando abrí la puerta..
Otro momento es cuando íbamos a comprar juguetes. Siempre era la misma tienda ( una de chinos que estaba muy bien) y Logan ya sabia donde estaban. Se plantaba delante y elegía juguete. Evidentemente ya salía de la tienda con el juguete en la boca. Un dia, llegamos a la tienda, Logan corriendo hacia los juguetes y sorpresa! no estaban!!! vino la chica y me dice, están al final del pasillo. Logan vamos, que están en otro sitio. No estaba muy convencido pero cedió y me acompañó. Alegria en cuanto descubrió donde estaban. Eso si, solo necesitó una vez para saber donde estaban.
Otro momento de felicidad es cuando los viernes vamos a casa de mis padres a la montaña. Y Logan lo sabe. Su cara cuando ve a su primo Zeus ( adoptado hace pocos meses) es de felicidad pura. Sus paseos por todo el jardín a sus anchas, sus juegos con la pelota… todo todo es máxima felicidad
hay tantos momentos que cada uno de ellos es único e inolvidable… su manera de pedir las cosas, ya sea comida, mimos, un juguete…. se pone delante tuyo y te da con su patita en la pierna para que le hagas caso … es tan mono!! me derrito
Y es que su felicidad es mi felicidad y esos momentos son impagables 🙂
un abrazo, lametones y feliz lunes
Celeste y Logan
¡Qué bien lo has resumido! Su felicidad es mi felicidad… ¡Exacto!
Por favor, cómo me hubiera gustado ver ese duo Gus-Logan… ¡Qué parejón más original!
¡Como digo, son las chispa de nuestra vida!
Un fuerte abrazo!!!!
no sabes cuando me alegro que tengas a Uma y sea tan especial, me ha gustado mucho leer como os hace felices en todas sus etapas, los perros son seres unicos que han sido creados para hacernos felices, yo quiero a Lya con locura y no se que pasara cuando ella se vaya, tiene ya 10 años y se hace mayor, muchos allegados se les han ido sus peludos con la misma edad y todos con cancer, espero que no le pase a Lya y este conmigo por mucho tiempo mas, no quiero pensar que se tenga que ir ya que no concibo mi vida sin ella, dale muchos besos a Uma de nuestra parte y un abrazo fuerte para ti, eres un encanto 🙂
Uf! Yo no quiero pensar en ese momento… Me da algo! Un abrazo enorme Maria Pilar!!!!
Me ha encantado leerte porque comparto muchos de esos momentos con mis tres peludines. La cantidad de veces que solo con mirarles me hacen reir, eso no tiene precio. Las veces que vuelvo a casa de trabajar y me reciben a saltos y con algun trofeo en su boca, como enseñandome con lo que han estado jugando mientras yo no estaba…. Esos rabitos agitándose con el culillo en pompa pidiendo jugar… todo eso no tiene precio. Muchos achuchones a Uma y que se nos críen con salud que es lo que importa.
Covadonga, encima toda esta felicidad a ti hay que multiplicarla por tres! Qué afortunados somos!
Un abrazo!!!