Living on an island and being surrounded by the coast, it’s crazy not to go to the beach, right? Well, even so, I encounter numerous prohibitions, I don’t understand it! The fact is that, on the one hand, in my municipality there are two specific beaches for dogs, very grateful, but on the other hand, on the rest of the beaches you cannot go with a dog (at least loose) or you will be fined.
During the summer season, it is prohibited, it is strictly forbidden because it is understood that there are bathers who must be respected, however, in the winter season when there is no one on the beach, they only let you take the dog on a leash, and that’s it. You will say how funny it is when what the dog wants is to run freely on the sand, get into the water, roll in the seaweed…
The two dog-only beaches in my city are somewhat uncomfortable for dogs. Both are made of pebbles (both inside and outside), one is very small and basically the dogs that go there are there to bathe because they cannot run since it is only about 6 meters long. The beach where I always go with Uma is already bigger and can be about 40 meters long and at least there, she can run, but… there is no sand.
We settled for being able to go to the beaches of another municipality where it is a joy to be able to enter a sandy area more than 3 kilometers long, full of dogs with their owners, running around loose and guess what… without a single poop! Dogs can play with each other, interact and enjoy some wonderful hours in a space that belongs more to them than to us, because you won’t deny me one thing: who leaves more trash on the beaches? Us or them?
But hey, it’s clear that dogs don’t leave money and bathers do, so we have to keep quiet and resign ourselves. Now, I’ve been learning about the issue of laws regarding dogs and I’ve discovered very interesting things:
- First I contacted my town council to ask if during the non-summer season I could go with my dog for a walk on any beach in my municipality and this was their response:
Article 18: The purpose of this title is to prevent and control the inconveniences and dangers that animals may cause, both to people and to facilities.
Article 19: The permanence of any type of animals on the beach during the bathing season is prohibited. Violation of this article will carry the corresponding sanction, and the offender is also obliged to immediately remove the animal. Outside of the bathing season, animal owners must at all times comply with legislation regarding the use of leashes, muzzles, etc., and must also remove any bowel movements made by the animal.
- Then I started looking for more global laws and found, indeed, that city councils have no jurisdiction over the issue of beaches because it does not belong to them. The beaches belong to Costas, which depends on the Government, therefore, a local police officer cannot fine you for letting a dog pass on a beach, but you must comply with the regulations for keeping it on a leash, etc.
As you see, everything depends on the laws of each municipality, because these are decisions that are made at the municipal level. So, the best thing before tempting fines is to inform your local council about what you can and cannot do with your dog. I have to confess that, many times, I release Uma on the beaches where I’m not supposed to but, since no one has ever caught my attention so far, I hope to be able to take advantage of that «unawareness» or «first notice.» Also, we must resort to common sense: if there are people lying on the beach reading a book or at a picnic, we should not allow the dog to come near and disturb them. When I release Uma on the beach it is because there is no one who could be bothered by his presence.
In the meantime, I will let Uma continue enjoying the beaches of my municipality with other dogs… until a fine ruins my plans:
In summer, there are always hidden coves where there are hardly any people and who usually go with dogs to be able to bathe. In summer, which is when dogs really appreciate a cool bath in the water, it is interesting to do a little research in one of those little corners. And if not, tell my neighbor’s Belgian shepherd, that when he wants to bathe on the beach, at his own risk and expense he travels a kilometer and a half to take his bath and return home alone… Let’s go! See who has the nerve to fine him!
But, watching this video and seeing how much Uma enjoys it, how can I not take her to the beach?
And you? Do you have any unpleasant experiences at the beach with your dog?
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Donde vivo también hay playa, y fuera de la temporada de baño, vamos de tarde en tarde, a correr y pasear tempranito (Jajjjjajjjjjjjjjjj,! ellos a correr y yo a pasear), aunque me parece que no se puede… Bueno, me parece, no, no se puede…Pero es tan triste y tan injusto que los animalitos no puedan disfrutar de su naturaleza…Que me la juego…Tampoco está muy controlado, la verdad, y por si acaso, siempre llevo el carnet de identidad…
Sin embargo, cuando en agosto tengo vacaciones, me voy a otro pueblo con mar, y aquí la cosa cambia….Aunque vivimos muy cerquita de la playa, de arena finísima y preciosa, imposible acceder con mis pequeñajos…Qué lastimita!, con el calor que hace!!!….
Estoy pendiente de una petición «», que salió para dejar un trocito accesible a los perros… En 14 km de playa ya podrían hacerlo!…pero no sé cómo quedará el asunto…
Loles, ¿te imaginas? Sería un sueño cumplido si en algunas playas pudieran reservar unos metros para propietarios con perro. ¡Lo bien que lo pasaríamos y, sobretodo, lo pasarían nuestros peludos!
¡Sería genial! ¡A veces, los sueños se convierten en realidad!
hola, soy un chico de Madrid que veranea hará 5 años en Javea, siendo conocedor de las leyes de las playas en cuanto a los perros, encontré una playa a la altura de Gandia pet friendly, y aproveché que iba de camino para que mis peluditas de 45kg, de raza leonberger, pudiesen disfrutar de la experiencia de corretear por la playa, aunque era por la noche, y había que llevarlas atadas, pero algo es algo. Una vez en Javea, y a unos 30 minutos de Gandía, decidí acercarme a la playa de las Marinas en Denia, mucho más cerca y poco concurrida por los muchos kilómetros que que discurre, a pesar de no haber nadie, y dispuestos a dar un pequeño baño, antes de que las autoridades nos pillasen «infraganti», dio la «casualidad» que aparecieron una pareja de policías «municipales» advirtiéndonos de las leyes de las playas, más cuando habían habilitado una playa muy cerquita para perros, cerca de los barcos, es decir, llena de petróleo, con una cama de unos dos metros de altura, y un único sitio habilitado para el parking de los vehículos, a pleno sol, y de pago, lo que me pareció indignante, más teniendo una playa que debe de trascurrir a lo largo de 20kms, y teniendo zonas, lejos de los comercios y de los restaurantes, prácticamente vacías. Los municipales me invitaron a irme y me obsequiaron con una sanción de 60€uros, que al recibirla por correos resultaron ser 180€, y con el recargo, a fecha de hoy, dos años después, aún está sin pagar y con orden de embargo por un montante de casi 250€. Ahí dejo me experiencia para la reflexión… la mía desde luego, es que el ser humano somos una especia despreciable, egoísta, y el mayor depredador que pisa la faz de la tierra. Venditos los seres vivos de cuatro patas, y todos los demás que no tengan que ver con el hombre
¡Oliver!¡Qué horror! Recurre la multa. No hay ninguna normativa a nivel estatal que prohíba el acceso de los perros en todas las playas de España. En la Ley de Costas no aparece absolutamente nada, es más, pone que las playas son públicas. Eso sí, pone que los ayuntamientos son los encargados de mantenerlas limpias… quizás si tú recurres esa denuncia diciendo que te amparas en la Ley de Costas y que no has ensuciado la playa te tengan que dar la razón…