Los artículos de El Blog de Uma más leídos en el 2016

por admin
posts más leídos del 2016

What better way to start the year than by writing a post summarizing the best of last year! And 2016 produced many posts that many of you were interested in and even shared on your social networks. For this reason, the summary is focused on the most read posts of 2016 and the most shared on social networks. Are you curious? Look:

The 10 most read posts in 2016 :

  1. List of clothing stores where you can enter with your dog 
  2. Natural solutions to combat tartar on dog teeth
  3. A new and original way to get rid of fleas and ticks
  4. How we teach Uma to relieve herself in the right place
  5. Why are there dogs that steal things?
  6. Uma loves watching television
  7. Plants toxic to dogs in your house or garden
  8. Altudog, a new and surprising natural food for Uma
  9. Best necklace for Uma
  10. How we have accustomed Uma to staying alone at home

The most shared posts on Facebook have been :

  1. A new and original way to get rid of fleas and ticks
  2. List of clothing stores where you can enter with your dog 
  3. A supermarket that allows you to shop with your dog
  4. Natural solutions to combat tartar on dog teeth
  5. A doggy engagement ring!
  6. Why are there dogs that steal things?
  7. Plants toxic to dogs in your house or garden
  8. Natural and delicious prizes in the form of bars
  9. How to understand the veterinary record
  10. Tips to combat dog heat

The images with the most Likes on Instagram have been :

The best of Instagram

And the most re-pinned images on Pinterest :

the best of Pinterest

On Google+ these have been the most shared :

  1. The importance of reading the labels of what we give to our dogs
  2. Uma loves watching television
  3. The tricks that Uma already knows at 4 months
  4. It is no longer one but two of Uma’s affected eyes
  5. A dog park in my city
  6. A supermarket that allows you to shop with your dog
  7. Your dog as an illustration: Uma already has her portrait
  8. List of clothing stores where you can enter with your dog 
  9. How I taught Uma to bark just right
  10. A doggy engagement ring!

On the YouTube channel the most viewed videos have been :

  1. Uma killing her doll
  2. Uma watching television
  3. Uma learns to relieve herself in the newspaper
  4. Uma learns to go down the stairs at two months old
  5. Uma learns to relieve herself in the garden
  6. Uma’s first barks, playing
  7. At 2 months old, Uma knows sitting, pawing and lying down tricks
  8. Uma has learned not to be afraid of thunder
  9. Uma already knows how to do several tricks
  10. A very doggy gift from the Three Kings

A 2016 full of experiences from which we have learned a lot. We hope that this year we can continue contributing some of our experience and the little things that we like the most and that you see it.

Very happy year!

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